Voting Resources
Whether or not you are a first-time voter, resources to help you vote and to help others to vote are readily available!

Do you need information on how to register and vote in your state?

Rock the Vote is a nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to building the political power of young people. Their website will also get you all the information you need to vote in your state. Just click their map to get started!

Also, the Vote411 Project organized by the League of Women Voters will help you Register to Vote, Check Your Voter Registration, Find Your Polling Place, See What's On Your Ballot, and give you a handy First-Time Voters Checklist.

Are you a high school student wanting to help organize Get Out the Vote efforts?

The Civics Center offers free training and resources to help you organize a digital voter registration drive at your high school. The site will also help you register or preregister to vote ahead of Election Day.

Are you a young person looking to become more involved in civic engagement activities in your state or local community, including voter registration and getting access to the polls?

Are you a college student, faculty member, or administrator interested in helping to protect the right of students to vote, as well as developing and implementing campus-based action plans to increase access to the polls and student turnout?

Connect with the Students Learn Students Vote Coalition, which brings together the resources of 400 partner organizations dedicated to student voting. Among them, for example:
The Andrew Goodman Foundation provides a host of tools and handbooks, including a guide to digital organizing.
The Campus Vote Project provides state-based voting guides for students.
The All In Campus Democracy Challenge is a national awards program that recognizes campus efforts to increase student voting rates.
Democracy Works provides tools and data for voters and election officials, including apps and online tools to make voting easy.
The Campus Election Engagement Project not only offers a suite of resources, but it also offers stipends to Campus Engagement Fellows who help organize voting campaigns on their campuses.
The Student PIRGs’ New Voters Project is a peer-to-peer mobilization effort.

Do you want to become a poll worker and help your precinct run an accurate and efficient election?

The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University has information on becoming a poll worker and election official in many states and offers advocacy toolkits for safe and fair elections.

Do you want to know what to do on November 3 if you have problems with voting or see that others are having problems?

The Election Protection Program of the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law includes an 866-OUR-VOTE hotline, which provides information and assists voters with all aspects of the process.

Do you want to become even more of an expert on voting laws in your state?

The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law maintains an online guide to the elections laws of every state and the District of Columbia.